
Why Mechanics?

Several years ago, I wrote two pieces for a previous clinic on the topic of Running Stride Mechanics.  They were borne from the frustration that far too much emphasis -- at every level of running -- is placed on workouts and training -- and next-to-nothing is said or done about running mechanics.

The first piece identified The Problem: a significant lack of awareness of gait mechanics.  The second piece identified The Solution and offered some basic strategies toward addressing mechanics.

In summary:
 #1 - No One Teaches Us How to Run.  We just "do it" and assume we're doing it correctly and "non-pathologically" -- doing it without HURTING OURSELVES.  This is UNTRUE.  I see "pathological strides" every day.  They're all around us.

#2 - Fast Kids Become Sprinters, Slow Kids Are Distance Runners.  THIS ARTICLE, among many, has identified that good sprint mechanics are good distance mechanics, too! 

#3 - The Complete Disregard for the Dynamic Nature of Running Strides.  A terrific stride today may be a terrible one tomorrow (or next year).  Athletic skills are dynamic and changing -- just ask any golfer that "picks up a slice" or a baseball player in a hitting slump.  Strides change -- based on workouts, training load, age, job/daily activity change.  Any change in stride can affect performance and health.

#4 - The Over-Emphasis on Physiological Distance Training versus Biomechanics.  With poor mechanics, it doesn't matter one bit what training you do -- you're doomed to run slow and experience pain. 

Optimizing Mechanics -- Where The Rubber Hits The Road

What an athlete will get from me -- first and foremost, and more important than anything else -- is not only an analysis of gait, but fast, effective and sustainable changes to mechanics.  Using motor control theory and techniques, I can teach a person to FEEL that new stride -- and techniques to ensure those changes are consistent and sustainable.

Moreover, we examine not only KINEMATICS -- or how your stride looks and moves -- but more importantly: KINETICS -- or the energies, muscle actions, and feel of your body as you adjust your stride.  This is the KEY to:

- Efficiency
- Consistency
- Sustainability

Mechanical Excellence -- "The Easy Way"
The easiest way to get faster is to run with Mechanical Excellence: to have as perfect form as possible.  Mechanical Excellence means

- Maximum Speed
- Minimal Energy Required
- Minimal Tissue Stress

The more mechanically sound you can run, the faster you go with less energy.  Most importantly: with the LEAST amount of wasteful, painful and damaging tissue stress.  The more energy you can use to propel forward -- instead of smashing into the ground and back into your joints -- results in:

- Decreased Tissue Irritation/Damage
- Faster Recovery
- Greater Ability to Train Faster and Longer

It's that simple.  You run "excellent" and you can do more.  And longer.  That, by definition, is the goal of distance running.
If you're interested in hearing more, or have questions on what I can offer, go here and shoot me a message.  Happy (and healthy) running!