
Client Testimonials

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The following is feedback obtained from previous gait analysis clients (last updated, April, 2014):

"When I felt slow and inefficient during 2013 despite running in some incredible places and races, I knew it was time to take a close look at my running form. Joe Uhan was an easy choice given his “triple threat” experience as a physical therapist, coach, and ultra-runner. After reviewing video clips of me, Joe delivered an extensive and clear report containing exercises chosen to help me feel the targeted form changes. Joe responded quickly to any new running footage I posted to ensure I stayed on course and kept improving. Whether your mechanics require an overhaul like mine or just a tune-up, Joe’s expertise and responsiveness will make him an effective partner in the process and I can’t recommend him enough."

- Aaron W.

 "I came in last winter because I was having weird nerve pain on the outside of my fibula when I ran and cycled. Not only did you address that quickly, but we also completely renovated my cycling, running and walking mechanics. The result was me consistently running and cycling more miles than I'd ever been able to log before...

Fast forward a bit to the end of summer--I was able to train for and compete in several 10k races without any return of pain. I gradually increased my weekly mileage over the fall and winter (up to 30 miles/week), and this weekend I ran my first half marathon with minimal pain. 

This last year and half since I first visited you has been some of the most active months of my life and with the least pain in five or so years. 

This is all to say thanks, Joe. After having spent so much time (not to mention money) with other PTs who never offered any real results, the time I spent was well worth it."
- Jordan R.

"I have found the gait analysis to be extremely helpful.  As a result of your analysis, I have had no hip flexor issues, no IT band issues, and have been able to become much more efficient in my running... One of the best things that you did was to show me what to look for in my own running.  I can go to the track anytime now, record myself, play it in slow motion, and use the tools you gave me to analyze myself. As a new runner, that knowledge has a value that will pay back for as long as I run- which I expect to be for a very long time.   Overall, I really appreciate the thorough analysis you gave."

- Sarah S.

"I took your analysis as a valuable feedback...I have no aches or pains currently, and I feel the running is easier, that’s true. As I consciously focus on my hip flexion and extension while running it’s getting better and better." 

- Jiri C.

 "... I had this problem with what had been diagnosed an achillobursitis. With your advice, exercises and changes to my running gait and posture, my running has improved in many ways. Medically I escaped the running - pain - therapy cycle. The bursa is fine, the swelling is gone, and I am pain free. Just running ! (And no more discussions about orthotics with the orthopedist... bliss).

Although the postural changes took some getting used to (after 25 years of unsolicited running), the payoff there is better stamina and more speed (I guess now that the upper body does its fair share of work, too, the whole body runs more efficiently. And, hey, the average time for the morning 9 miler keeps coming down; currently 5% to pre-treatment). Also, I am getting some confidence back. That is, my reluctance to long runs is virtually gone, and I can trust my body again that I'll be able to run again the next day. Now that means that I can have goals again ! I ran a 100K a while ago, and I want to train for and run a 100M, without falling to pieces...

To tell you the truth, I was desperate enough to pay the local university's running clinic the equivalent of 9 pairs of top-shelf running shoes for an analysis. I am happy, though, I turned to you for advice, not only because your service comes at a fraction of the costs, but because I felt at a better place. What I mean is that I could not believe that a dozen infrared reflectors and high-speed cameras were necessary in the first instance to identify the pertinent flaws in my running. Nobody with any knowledge of running mechanics ever looked at me running, and I was pretty sure that my issues would be...well, if not obvious, but discernible to the keen eye. Your gait analysis plan offered repeated reevaluation - which I find important -, but that was not included in the uni-clinic's plan. Plus, through your website and I had an idea of who was analyzing my data before signing up to a plan. 

I am more than happy with what I got.  Any regrets ? Sure. I went through three years of running with pain...why didn't I come any earlier? Joe, thanks so much for your help."

- Nils K.

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